Oh ... and by the way ... here's my last recipe Ebook ... NINE FAVE GOOD GUT RECIPES ... Eat them UP! And now ... a recipe for my NEW upcoming Ebook ...
I'm not a fan of hot cereal. But it's been the coldest and rainiest winter we've had in Los Angeles in years. Hence the birth of my next Fab 'n Fast Paleo recipe ... Hot Cereal!
I'm sensitive to oatmeal ... which was probably why I turned my nose up to it as a kid. But you can now get it everywhere and in every form ... steel-cut, Irish, bagged, and cupped ... which is probably why 20% of Americans eat it for breakfast.
So I tried ... I tried to find a way to make this Paleo-friendly hot cereal as super-fast-available as oatmeal. But every version I tried FAILED. So ... YOU HAVE TO COOK IT ON THE STOVE!
The good news ... you can make a whole bunch of the basic recipe (almond flour and/or almond meal, water, salt. and optional chia seeds), store it in the fridge, and reheat it in the mocrowave. That's why I separated this into the basic recipe and add-ins ... all Paleo and some kid-friendly.
Using almond meal in all or part of your hot cereal also gives this the grainy texture of oatmeal WITHOUT the blood sugar spikes that consuming grains can bring. Also, oatmeal has 4 grams of fiber per cooked cup, but a cooked cup of this cereal has EVEN MORE ... 6+ grams.
Not only that ... studies have linked almond consumption to increased HDL cholesterol (oatmeal doesn't do this directly), and lowered total and LDL cholesterol (oatmeal DOES do this), blood triglycerides (oatmeal doesn't do this either), fasting blood sugar (because it's not a grain) and blood pressure.
So it's actually better for you than oatmeal, consumption of which was a HUGE media hype 20 years ago. And you can make this any way you want ... which appeals to a hot-cereal hater like me.
Next ... chocolate chips (stevia-sweetened), toasted walnuts, and raspberries. Eat it UP!

Place almond flour/almond meal, water, salt, and optional chia seeds in a pot on the stovetop. Heat over medium heat, whisking frequently.
Cook for 8 to 10 minutes (mine cooked sooner) or until mixture has begun to boil and thicken.
As the mixture cools, it will thicken. Then put in half in bowl (this recipe makes TWO SERVINGS) and refrigerate the rest.
Add in ADD-INS. THE AMOUNTS LISTED FOR ADD-INS ARE FOR ONE SERVING! MIX IN: items like spices (cinnamon, pumpkin pie, nutmeg), sweetener of choice, and vanilla, TOP WITH: things like fruit, dried fruit, nuts, chocolate chips, cacao nibs, and unsweetened cocoa.
Place almond flour/almond meal, water, salt, and optional chia seeds in a pot on the stovetop. Heat over medium heat, whisking frequently.
Cook for 8 to 10 minutes (mine cooked sooner) or until mixture has begun to boil and thicken.
As the mixture cools, it will thicken. Then put in half in bowl (this recipe makes TWO SERVINGS) and refrigerate the rest.
Add in ADD-INS. THE AMOUNTS LISTED FOR ADD-INS ARE FOR ONE SERVING! MIX IN: items like spices (cinnamon, pumpkin pie, nutmeg), sweetener of choice, and vanilla, TOP WITH: things like fruit, dried fruit, nuts, chocolate chips, cacao nibs, and unsweetened cocoa.
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