January 8, 2016 Weight, Body Image, and Exercise Quiz Weight, Body Image and Exercise Quiz Here’s your chance to find out exactly how you feel about exercise, your weight and your size. Answer these ten questions and Press “Submit Quiz” to find out if you have a healthy, healing, or hurting attitude about munchin’ and movin’. Q1: When it comes to eating … I eat until I’m just satisfied and stop I overeat sometimes I overeat a lot I’m out of control when it comes to eating None Q2: Food is ... Happy and friendly Kind of confusing … I wish I knew what to eat My problem My enemy None Q3: The quality of what I eat ... Is great ... I eat lots of fruits, vegetables and other healthy things Isn’t bad but could use some improvement Is so-so ... I eat a lot of convenience and fast food Is terrible! I’m on the see-food diet. None Q4: I understand that food ... Is made up of protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients and we need all of them Has nutrients that aren’t too good for me Has some nutrients that are good and some that are bad for me Has some nutrients I should avoid altogether None Q5: I exercise ... 30 to 60 minutes 3 to 5 days a week or more About 30 minutes 2 to 3 days a week About 15 to 30 minutes once or twice a week Never! None Q6: I consider my body ... Quite tight and fit In need of a little more exercise and toning Kind of out of shape Really flabby None Q7: When I think of exercise ... It makes me happy and I love to move my body I do it but I’m not terribly physical It’s a chore but I do it anyway I hate it! None Q8: When it comes to my body ... I’m pretty satisfied with my weight and size I’m a little overweight but pretty OK with my size I’m quite overweight and don’t like the shape I’m in I hate my body no matter what size or shape I’m in None Q9: If I ate differently and exercised more, I would: Feel happy and in control with my food and my size Might love myself more Am considering changing the way I eat and exercise to feel better about my size and shape I’m pretty OK with the way I am right now and don’t want to change None Q10: If I had to stop eating the foods I love: I would be OK with it I might consider giving up some of the foods I love to feel better mentally and physically I’m going to give up some foods I love very soon but I’m not ready yet I would most likely never give up my favorite foods None Be sure to click Submit Quiz to see your results! Time's up